Wala'y Tubig!!

We didn't have running water in our apartment for 6 days! (wala'y tubig- no water!) People said it was because it was being fixed... haha. There was no notice it was going to be off but It was adventure! It went off Monday night. Tuesday, we showered at a kind member familes house down the street! Wednesday morning we found out that there was a fauset in the back of the apartments down stairs that was on! We are on the second floor.. so we took big jugs and made our way up and down the fire escape stairs, 3 times. And filled up buckets in our CR (bathroom) so we could shower. And another to wash dishes. We did this for the next 5 days! It came on Sunday night! Blessed. 

     Tuesday, I lead my area with Sister Gear, one of my batch mates! Because both of our trainers are STL's so they went to Cebu for meetings. We did pretty good for 2 trainies! 

     I am learning so much every single day. I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything. Man, it can be hard in many ways. But my purpose is simple. It's to help others follow the example Christ has set for us. It's hard to see some investigators stop progressing for may different reasons but at least I was able to share the Gospel with them. I love helping people understand that God really does have a plan for them. It's a great day to be a missionary in the Philippines!!!

Life as a missionary in the Philippines! - By the One & Only Sister Young.

     There really aren't legit home addresses here. So we make our way around by memory, landmarks, map scetches, and asking people for directions alll the time. It really is so fun! You'll be walking down the street and there will be a little alley you can go through and then open up at the end to a whole neighborhood! It really amazes me hahah. Also there are always short cuts we can find, it's so awesome!  - the picture with the 2 little girls and I are named Genelia and Eziel Menoza! They are members in the ward and we just love them! 

Love, Sister Young!
