Jenny & Rose


On Saturday, we went with Jenny and Rose to the Cebu Temple and then went straight to their baptism!! There was a lot of traffic and of course it was deadly hot, but it was a wonderful day! :) 

The conversion story of the Metante family is so awesome and I am so so happy that I was able to teach them and invite them to come unto Christ. Jenny, Rose, and even Jerome, have changed so much. They were so ready to follow everything we taught them right away. They have such great faith and a wonderful testimony that they shared at their baptism. As they each bore their testimony I saw an eternal perspective of their life and how happy our Heavenly Father must be.
I am so thankful I chose to serve a mission. And I can't wait for their temple sealing, hopefully next year!! The Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families. I know it because it is for sure blessing the Metante family. 

Zone Conference was great! Me and Sister Lagdaan gave a workshop about finding people to teach. It was a great opportunity to study and ponder on that subject to help and inspire the missionaries in our zone and improve the work in our area. 

For some reason Sister Lagdaan just loves the "Star Spangled Banner" and always sings it in our apartment!! hahah American pride from my Filipino companion!

One of our investigators Fernando, is a pastor of him Born Again church, and he came to church with us on Sunday, just in time for Jennys and Roses confirmation!! It's been so awesome teaching him!

It was a busy busy week and I learned a lot. Now for the next week :)

Fear God
Love, Sister Young

1. They are the cutest! Jerome had to work so he couldn't make it for the Temple trip. :(
2. Jenny, Rose & me.
4. I just love them :)
5. Sister Christensen and Sister Barker from the MTC are in my zone!
6.  Exchanges with Sister Christensen! -Her area is is hiking because there are so many huge rocks!
