Halo-halo matag adlaw is life :)

Fernando, our pastor investigator, is doing well. It's exciting to teach him because he knows a lot and he is learning a lot too. He hasn't really grasped that we go by "Sister..." and so he sometimes just calls me "Young". hahah

It's summer now! So that means its's way hotter and I'm very brown. :) Also that there is Halo-halo on every corner for 10 or 15 pesos and it's heavenly! 

One thing that I love is singing a simple hymn with investigators before we teach. So sweet :)

I don't have much more to say but here are some pictures from the week! 

Kana ra :)

Kinasingkasing, Sister Young

1. Junith Alverez and allll the kids :)
2. plus us
3. Exchanges with Sister Harbottle! She's Hawiian, not Filipino hahah
4. Ikasig :)
5. Behold my quote wall! its ever growing.
6. hahah I video called my companion, who is sitting right next to me!  because I got like 5 emails and my family is asleep LOL. nindot!
