"and this is my joy." Alma 29:9

I don't know what to title these emails any more. lol

      It was a good week and went by so fast, as usual!! But this week we met two young sisters (Maui and Crizelle) in Santa Fe and they are progressing so fast! It's so fun to see people grow and grow close to Christ. And Maui came to church this week! Last week I wrote that the Elders gave a Priesthood blessing to our investigator, Laarnie, on Christmas. Well, her father sat in and listened and then became very interested in what we had to say. Me and Sister Bradford taught him twice this week and he came to church this week! His name is Geraldo and had a mild stroke, which makes it very hard to get around but he lives very close to church so it works out! There was also a father that we met last week and have not yet had the chance to teach but he came to church too. In total with the Elders, we had 16 investigators attend our branch on Sunday! :) Blessed. Over 60 people (plus a couple of kids) in total attend and we ran out of chairs! So I'm happy to say they there are building a Church here!!!! Yayyy!!!!!!!!!!! It should be done soon! We are so excited to have enough rooms and enough chairs! 

     We had Family home evening and dinner with the youth at President Bermudos house in Patao on Saturday. President and Sister Bermudo are such great leaders in the Branch! They were so kind to have us and also make good food! I ate a whole crab :)

My companion, Sister Bradford is also known as: Sister...
These are the names that some of our investigators call her hahah it's all fun!
It was so fun and did it all before 11:30! I hope that you all use the Come follow me study book and use it every week! I promise it will help you and your family. Use it!!! We spent our P-day in Santa Fe!

     Started with the Sunrise at the beach and 4:45 am. Then breakfast! Then to the Butterfly Garden! Next to Ogtong Cave and Mangrove!  

Alma 29:9
Love, Sister Young

1 &2 Sunrise Beach
3-5 Butterfly Garden

6 Ogtong Cave
plus this sweet crab.
and the neighbor girls that always want to take pictures with us!
