2 month yoo!

Sister Orines is a Sister Training Leader and she had some meeting in Cebu so I stayed with Sister Abilliar, Sister Lagdaan, and Sister Gear in Dauis- (a little island)! They are so fun and I had a great time in their beautiful area for 2 days! The members our age are so fun to work with! They teach with us and I am able to practice my Cebuano with them a lot. 

   Patience is kicking me in the butt. Everyday I just have to study the language and try my best to understand. I'm doing well, I just want to be able to talk and teach a lot more. I know I've only been out for 2 weeks but I'm just so eager to get it down and help! I learned this week that I just need to listen when I don't understand and say what the spirit tells me to as I bare testimony. There are some people that I literally don't understand at all. It may be because of where they grew up and learned the language, the different words they use, how fast they talk, and if they use short cuts or slang. And other people I can understand a lot more. It all takes a lot of patience. I am determined.

   Some families live in huts made of bamboo, wood, a tin roof, and dirt floor. They cook their food over a fire and sleep on wood planks. They work hard and love their family. They are humble, kind, thankful, respective and creative. They are excepting and happy with what they have. They love God and are so ready for this gospel. I love being here. I hope that as I serve them more, I will become like them.

Life in the Philippines as a missionary! -By Sister Young

     I got pretty sun burnt the other day. Sunscreen is pointless because you just sweat it off. That's why everyone uses an umbrella to hide from the sun! I drank out of a coconut and ate the inside and man, it was good! Mangos are the love of my life. Ohh and Ube! look it up! Sister Orines is a great cook so I'll be nice and plump when I get home. She teaches me how to cook as well as everything I need to know about missionary life and how to be a Filipino! People honk at us as they drive by and say "Americana!!" or "Hello!" and then laugh. Filipinos love fried chicken, so much. Theres this place called "Jollybee" and it just has fried chicken and rice! lol! "Mang Inasal" is actually way good. I totally recommend that place if you want some rice and chicken lol! Squid is not my favorite. Karaoke is the thing to do here. And they do it loud and proud! Very loud for all the neighbors to hear. :) They love my nose. Because it's long. So that's new. We have a lizard in our house. We named him Lizardo. I wore red white and blue on the 4th of July along with my other fellow Americans in Bohol!
