Rice on rice on rice!


   My P day is Monday! Like I said in my last email, I love it here. I'm at the Manila MTC for a couple more days and will fly out to Cebu East on Wednesday. They have us stay here for visa processing stuff and to get used to everything. It's been a wonderful experiance here at the MTC so far. I've loved meeting Sisters from Srilanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Guam, Australia, New Zealand, and some from all over the Philippines. Their testimonies are so strong as well as their faith as they try so hard to learn Engilsh and for some, learning English and Tagalag at the same time. They are humble, kind, and so willing to serve. One Sister here, is the first Sister from Vietnam to serve in the Philippines. She is learning Tagalag and English at the same time. And was a convert 2 year ago! WOW.  

    The food is great so far! Good thing I'm not a very picky eater. We eat rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every meal. Everyday. The bananas, pineapple, apples, and bread is way better over here! 

    Driving to the MTC from the airport is something I will never forget! My district was in one van just in "awe". Pointing out all the crazy stuff we saw. Elder Olsen pointed out a sign that literally only said " Nice Hotel. 300 pesos.". We all laughed so hard! because it was so simple and gave no detail, it was probably funny because we were so tired!  The best way I can explain what I have seen so far is by saying that is looks like a Doctor Suess book! People are very, very creative with the little that they have. Thus, it makes the city so colorful and interesting. There are probably traffic laws but no one follows them, neither are they enforced. Quick story- We were stopped in traffic for a second, and we see a tricycle (a motorcycle with a side car. I rode in one!!), hop over the median of the free way and continue to drive against on coming traffic. It's fine. He was not the only one doing it. They don't really use blinkers, they just drive where they want and honk. Hahah they just go! It's so great. They get to their destinations quickly too, so it's effective! The Filippinos have very brave souls! I them so much already. 

   Just after we got to the MTC, we went through the Manila Temple!! Which is right across the street. It's super small and I love it.

   The next day we went procelyting with some missionaries serving in the area! We just joined them in whatever they had planned for the day. Sister Pukahi (my companion) and I went with two Sisters in the area. They were so kind and fun! We hopped on a Jeepni (I've attached a picture of a Jeepni. Ya'll have to see this!) And off we went to visit an Investigator and a member. They speak Tagalag in this area the most annnd I speak Cebuano. So you could probably see that I didn't understand very much hahah. But the 2 Sisters we visited both knew Cebuano so they were able to understand me when I bore my testimony with them. Even though I don't know Tagalag, the spirit was so strong. I am so excited to meet more people and share the Gospel with them!! 

   I give thanks to my Heavnly Father in prayer everyday, of how thankful that I've been called to the Philippines. The Filippino people are so kind. I love it here along with all the craziness and beauty. 

If you are not reading the Book of Mormon everyday, you NEED to. Go now and read it.


This!! This is a Jeepni!! It's like a short condensed bus! They get so packed!! hahah I love it.

View from the road!

Manila Temple!

Elder Lusk, Dingilius, Oross, and Elder Olsen just joining my picture!
