Meet my last companion :)

Sister Stahmann is from Orem Utah! She is Sister Bradfords batch and she only has 6 months left. She recently picked up a little bit of Dengue from her last area in Mandaue... but she's all good now!! She is so cute and crafty and likes to cook so we'll be great. :) I am so excited to serve, work, and witness miracles with her here in Calape!

A temple in my home town of Taylorsville?!!! And a Temple just across the pond, in Bocolod Philippines?!!  for sure needed :)

     I have learned and changed so much over my mission. I have come to know who my Savior really really is, while I help others come unto him. This work is the best thing any old kid could do. 

I''d invite you to read Jacob 7, again. It's a good one. :) 
"...I could not be shaken." 

Do not forget that you have a living Heavenly Father who knows you and a living Savior that loves you.

Amping mo! 
Sister Young

1&2. Ako ug si Sister Sathmann @ Sagbayan peak today!
3. the jump shots hahah
4. Akong District + mga Zone Leader + Sila Burch
5. Nagligo mi sa ulan
6. I kissed this frog.

heres theses to make ya laugh hahaha

also, I really kissed a frog!

