Cebu Temple

My Preparation day was switched to Tuesday for this week because we went to the temple today!!!! Thus, I am emailing right now. The temple was amazing!!

Miracle: Charlotte and Jasper quit smoking!! Now they are just working towards getting married! 

A challenge from Elder Bowen a while ago was to testify contact 30 people everyday. I have been close to meeting it before, but on Thursday we got it!! Daghan!! Ug medjo lisod! It was so fun, and really did our best! It wasn't until the 31st that we were rejected!! hahah But then we got another one. :)

Michael- our investigator of 4 years (because of the law of chastity), pays tithing every Sunday and has a great huge testimony! He and his girlfriend (Daisy) don't live together anymore and have been preparing to be married in May. Then they both planned on being baptized after that! But this past Sunday, a member gave a talk about not procrastinating and it really touched Micheal and he applied it to himself. He told us that he's afraid to die because he knows he's not ready and that he wants to be baptized ASAP! wow. He's so awesome. He doesn't want to wait anymore even it's just a few months. He really knows whats true and really knows how important and powerful repentance is. So, this week we went all hands on and are really focusing on Micheal to review lessons (even though he knows everything) and get him all ready!!

Don't procrastinate the day of your repentance. 

Love, Sister Young

I love my mission. :)

1&2. Cebu Temple!!!
3. Lapu-lapu Zone sisters
4. Bitaw 
5. Exchanges with Sister Jaojao:) The Cordova Sisters! 
