
       It's been a bit of an adjustment from Bantayan to Lapu-Lapu city!! There's no farms or very long walks but there is a lot of traffic. It's also been funny to learn that a lot of the words that I used in Bantayan are not even known here. So I'm still learning :) always!

       I went to my first Missionary Leadership Counsel with all the other STLs and Zone leaders in the mission this week. We discussed about how we can apply the Mission training plan for the transfer and a ton of other stuff.  It was great! and the food was great too!! :) 

     Last week we found an in-active father, Jerom Mitante, drinking with his friends. He was baptized in Bogo a while ago. We told him we'd come back next week (yesterday) and low and behold he was waiting for us!! We met his wife and 16 yr old daughter. We taught them and the spirit was so strong! It was clearly an answer to our prays to have found their family and it was an answer to theirs to get out of confusion and find peace. When we explained that their family could be together forever, the spirit spoke so clear and Jeroms wife, Jenny, cried just a little. :)  They accepted our invention to be baptized!!  We are going back on Tuesday to teach with a couple in our ward. Isn't the Gospel of Jesus Christ just the best. I know it blesses families.

I ate Buwad. 
Buwad: Dried fish. I can't really explain what it's like but it's alright. I'll send a picture of it next week. :)

Sister Abillar is so sweet! She taught me how to lead music this week! hahhah I don't know why I never learned before but now I know!! 

1. First Mission leadership counsel
2. Exchanges with Sister Camara!!
3. Can you see the mountains?!!!
4. A sweet return missionary bought us pizza at Greenwich :)
