First Week!!


 First day and we jumped right in to learning Cebuano. I really like the language, it makes sense and sounds fun. I am in a trio companionship! Sister Agular is 21 and from Boise, she is going to the Cebu mission. Sister Pukahi is also 21 and from the San Fransico area, she is going to the Tocloban mission. We have a room of 3 bunkbeds, so each of us has our own bunkbed, desk, and 2 small closets. They are so fun to work with and It's been easy to become friends. We plan our days well so far and study the language a lot together!  We are preparing to teach an investigator (a fake one of course) so we are putting together phases and pangutana (questions) in Cebuano. We were also assigned to teach the relief society class on Sunday!  There are sooo many people going to the Philippines! It's the 3rd most growing mission. My district is so fun, there are 7 of us! Yes, the food is good! We don't have a normal schedule yet, it will start on Monday.

Friday is my P day so we went to the temple with my Zone and eat breakfast there. The rest of the day we get to email, study and have some fun!

The spirit here at the MTC is good! Everyone I've talked to is positive and works hard. We've been focused a lot on our purpose as a missionary, which is to bring others unto JesuKristo, teach them and help them endure to the end. The MTC has been great so far, it's so nice to only focus on the Gospel and study anything you want!

I'm doing well and taking it easy! Salamat for the support!! Talk to you next Friday!

Sorry for the blurry picture! It was raining after we went to the temple this morning. The other girls are going to Cebu East just like me! But they are in another district.
 My district! Elder Adams, Elder Olsen, Me, Sister Argular, Sister Pukahi, Elder Oross, Elder Kapele.
